Radial Shockwave Therapy
Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment that helps patients heal sooner. Shockwave therapy produces an acoustic pressure wave that is transmitted to the body’s tissue. The pressure wave created at the point of contact transmits radially inside the patient’s body to the point of concern.

Wholistic Health Coaching
The majority of us are barely functioning with the nutrition that our bodies are getting. Feeling better in every aspect isn't just a part-time gig. We offer this without profit because we believe in it down to our core. I, (Trisha) wouldn't be functioning now if it wasn't for these 5 steps!
Take the Health Evaluation - By taking this evaluation you will be able to identify which nutrients you are severely lacking
Purchase any health products that your body is lacking and therefore needing
Clean Up Your Diet - If you continue to eat bad foods, you will continue to have health challenges.
Continue your education - Become an advocate for your own health. Trisha can connect you with free education from Naturopaths and other qualified health professionals.
Make a Commitment - Odds are that you have been nutrient-deficient your whole life. In order to fix your health problems and achieve optimal health, you must make changes to your lifestyle. Commit to taking your nutrients. Commit to cleaning up your diet. Commit to learning more. Commit to retaking a health evaluation every 30 days.
​****Commitment is that turning point in your life when you seize the moment to alter your destiny!****